
016 Shadowbuilder

Date Posted: 09/25/2018
Entrance Actor: Michael Rooker
Exit Actor: Tony Todd

Last time Michael Rooker was a cop in The Replacement Killers. Today he is a hired gun... for the Lord! That's right! We ARE watching the seminal breakthrough Bram Stoker classic Shadowbuilder. Old Rook has to stop an evil cabal of Catholic Satanists from plucking three hairs from the head of a stigmata-baby and chanting real loud at a couple of sticks summoning a sentient humanoid shadow-demon impersonating the space cowboy Spike from the spaceship Bebop to open the door to hell... ya follow?

Men at Work

004 Men at Work

Date Posted: 07/03/2018
Entrance Actor: Keith David
Exit Actor: Emilio Estevez

In todays episode we followed Keith David out of the wintery hell of Antarctica in The Thing(1982) into the comparatively pleasant life of a garbage man in Men at work.

Carl Taylor and James St. James have pellet based hijinks and eco-mayhem ensues in this weeks literal garbage movie Men at Work in which there is shockingly little work being done.