Slop Season One
Our podcast is simple. Using a process called Backward Baconing, we started with His Eminence Mr. Kevin Bacon and the 1990 classic monster movie Tremors. After we have completely digested that film we chose our favorite character/actor and select a movie from their catalog. We will continue onward in this fashion until we devour all the finest cinematic cuts… or we need a breather.
There is no guarantee our choices will be wise, informed or even logical but it should be a good laugh. We bid you join us on our meandering journey into the unknown corners of the cinematic pig pen from whence Bacon came.
001 Tremors
Episode One: The Source
Jon and Jason Have arrived on the internet 15 years fashionably late. We're here to give a little love and a little salt to the world of pork products.. specifically to the Bacon product category.
Our podcast is simple. Using a Process called Backward Baconing, we start with His Eminence himself Mr Kevin Bacon in the 1990 Classic Tremors. After we have enjoyed this film completely we will choose our favorite character/actor from the film and select a film from their catalog.
There is no guarantee our choices will be wise, informed or even logical but it should be a good laugh. Join us on our choose your own adventure style journey into the unknown corners of cinematic pig pen from whence Bacon came.
Todays Episode Tremors
We join a small town already in progress as it discovers, "We've got worms".
002 Big Trouble in Little China
In todays episode we have followed the delightful Victor Wong from his previous home in Perfection Vally to San Francisco where he and his misfit-band of friends will have a mystical adventure that begins as all great stories do.... in an attorney's office.
003 The Thing (1982)
After battling the forces of evil in San Fran Kurt Russell's Pork Chop Express has arrived at its final destination, the Arctic. It's a wintery hell-scape but old Kurt likes it just fine. Just don't mess with his shack, his scotch or his bodily autonomy. Let's sit back and watch...
004 Men at Work
In todays episode we followed Keith David out of the wintery hell of Antarctica in The Thing(1982) into the comparatively pleasant life of a garbage man in Men at work.
Carl Taylor and James St. James have pellet based hijinks and eco-mayhem ensues in this weeks literal garbage movie Men at Work in which there is shockingly little work being done.
005 Maximum Overdrive
Today we followed the garbagy pong of Emilio Estevez from Men at Work to a small highway truck stop where Emilio has gotten promoted all the way to line cook. Things start getting weird for our country diner when the earth goes through a comets tail... yep. Those two ideas are directly connected in Maximum Overdrive.
006 Freejack
We have accidentally become an Emilio Estevez based show. Welcome to the mans third consecutive appearance. We swear it was an accident and shan't be repeated. Last time Frankie Faison's found his dropped keys and has now driven off into the sunset. When the sun rises he's been transported into the future where he has no job skills aside from culinary creativity. Lets see where this goes...
007 The Prophecy
We like Amanda Plummer and she was a weirdo Nun Last time in Freejack. This Week she's gone to the other side and confirmed all her beliefs to be true.. or not... theologically I'm not sure what we find out this week. We meet the devil and stuff but who knows what the hell this all means.. maybe you can figure out what The Prophecy is talking about?
This Week Special Guest Contributor Zac
008 It’s Alive
Last week we found out that a corpse can be the most important plot point in a movie other then Weekend at Bernies. Since the corpse was so dang important we wanted to see what other acting gigs required those sorts of acting chops. This week we meet a very much alive Patrick McAllister in the delivery room where the babies are alive... and thats somehow an issue?
009 Maniac Cop 2
Last Week we saw monster babies harass Officer Dixon but don't worry Officer Dixon is back on the case this week as he hunts out corruption within the NYPD.
010 Mom
Claudia Christian handled herself commendably against the reanimated corpse of a rouge policeman last week so naturally we asked ourselves, "Self... how do you think Ms. Christian would fare against the most fabled beast of yore? (Dramatic Pause) The Lycanthrope! (Music cue)". Well if you, like some of us at Cinema Slop, have spent the last decade writing Cmdr. Susan Ivanova vs Hideous monster fan-fiction then you're in luck because we finally know the answer! This week... its The ultimate military officer vs. The Matron of Satan... Mom!
011 Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold
Last week Stella Stevens was bested in single combat by Mom... it wasn't a fair fight. Stella had no idea what about going down at the time and naturally being a lycan-granny is against the rules of most boxing commissions. But you can't keep a good woman down and so this week Stella Stevens is back and she's going to challenge some fool to a duel.... in the old school.... its pretty cool... stay tuned for Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold
012 Corpse Mania
Last week we enjoyed what in hindsight was a completely uncontroversial and fun blaxploitation/James bond style globe hopping adventure starring Ni Tien as the cute as a button but deadly serious martial arts skilled sidekick of cleopatra Jones. Let’s hope this week things are just as cheerful and carefree as they were in Ms. Tien’s heroine kingpin busting days. We join the necrophilic adventures in progress in Corpse Mania
013 The Mighty Peking Man
Last week we watched in awe as Ni Tien conspired to build a log cabin out of corpses in what can only be described as a Corpse Mania. Naturally the corpse pile was just a framing device for the cousin of a guy. So naturally this week we follow that guy into the mountains where we heard there was a Kong.. no wait.. a Mighty Joe... no wait... a Mighty Peking Man... on the loose.. lets see what happens.
014 The Killer
Last week Danny Lee was searching for something and he caused the death of nearly everyone in the world. This week Chow Yun-Fat causes the death of nearly everyone in the world which makes him search for something. There has to be something meaningful in that dichotomy. Join us as we discover the disappointing answer to that mystery in The Killer.
015 The Replacement Killers
Did you spend the majority of The Killer wishing that it was in English and there was more then one "Killer"? Well then boy-howdy are you in for a treat! Watch as someone copy and pastes the script to last weeks movie into Google-Translate and we see what comes out the other side!
016 Shadowbuilder
Last time Michael Rooker was a cop in The Replacement Killers. Today he is a hired gun... for the Lord! That's right! We ARE watching the seminal breakthrough Bram Stoker classic Shadowbuilder. Old Rook has to stop an evil cabal of Catholic Satanists from plucking three hairs from the head of a stigmata-baby and chanting real loud at a couple of sticks summoning a sentient humanoid shadow-demon impersonating the space cowboy Spike from the spaceship Bebop to open the door to hell... ya follow?
017 Candyman
Tony Todd does a great vanishing act in Shadowdbuilder but when he goes into the magic box with no mirrors where does he emerge? This week we find out that the answer is a tenement in Chicago.... lets check out Candyman!
018 Wonder Woman
Last week on the "Bacon Luge" we found that when you say Candyman 5 times into a mirror Tony Todd Pops up and murders people... This week we ask "what happens if you say 'Doctoral Candidate Helen Lyle' into the mirror 5 times?". Apparently Virginia Madsen crafts a baby from blood and sand and asexually births a female humanoid demigod hero.... not the female humanoid demigod hero we deserve but the female humanoid demigod hero we need. It's all DC so I assume that line works no matter how you apply it. This week Wonder Woman.....Animated.
019 The Adventures of Pluto Nash
Last time on Wonder Woman Rosario Dawson was a literal superhuman... today we follow Regular Rosario to the very special location of THE MOOOOOOON. She lands with a hope, a dream and a just enough moxie to be a singing superstar. Now that we have taken the time to establish that lets find out what it has to do with real estate!
020 Hard Rain
After laughing ourselves silly watching the comedic genius that was the oddly shaped nugget on Robot Quaid in The Adventures of Pluto Nash Jason and Jon decide to investigate what other head shapes Randy Quaid is capable of using. Naturally a flooded mid-west town is a great place to utility heads. Diving Bell heads, drill heads, nose cone heads... so Jon and Jason jump into the regularly scheduled Hard Rain and the ensuing flood in the basin city of Huntingburg, Indiana.
021 Lake Placid
After meeting a displaced Betty White in Hard Rain we wanted to summer with her at her lake house. We arrive and meet her for lemonade and cookies before Sheriff Hank comes and ruins our lovely picnic. O.F.F. is totally a jerk about Betty's unlicensed pets and it just turns into a whole thing. Let's join Betty as she fights the man in order to keep her happy family together.