Side Slop: Day of the Warrior

064B Side Slop: Day of the Warrior

Date Posted: 05/29/2020

This time we finally find out WTF L.E.T.H.A.L. means!

Savage Beach (-) > Hard Ticket to Hawaii (-) > Do or Die (+1) > Day of the Warrior (-) > The Dallas Connection (-1) > Hard Hunted (+2) > Fit to Kill (+1) > Enemy Gold (-3) > Picasso Trigger (-) > Guns (-4) > Malibu Express (-1)

Chris Rankings:

Savage Beach (-) > Hard Ticket to Hawaii (-) > The Dallas Connection (-) > Do or Die (-) > Day of the Warrior (-) > Enemy Gold (-) > Hard Hunted (-) > Fit to Kill (-) > Picasso Trigger (-4) > Guns (-1) > Malibu Express (-1)

Side Slop: The Dallas Connection

062B Side Slop: The Dallas Connection

Date Posted: 05/08/2020

Jon and Chris examine the importance of Zip disks this week on The Dallas Connection.

Jon Rankings:

Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > The Dallas Connection (-) > Do or Die (-1) > Enemy Gold (-1) > Guns (-1) > Hard Hunted (-) > Fit to Kill (-) > Picasso Trigger (-3) > Malibu Express (-1)

Chris Rankings:

Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > The Dallas Connection (-) > Do or Die (+1) > Picasso Trigger (+1) > Enemy Gold (-1) > Hard Hunted (-4) > Fit to Kill (-1) > Guns (-1) > Malibu Express (-1)

Side Slop: Enemy Gold

041B Side Slop: Enemy Gold

Date Posted: 07/12/2019

This week Jon and Chris call in an emotional support Zac and boy do they need it! Join us as we fail to understand who the titular enemy is in Enemy Gold.

Jon Rankings:

Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > Do or Die > Enemy Gold (-1) > Guns (-1) > Picasso Trigger (-1) > Hard Hunted (-1) > Fit to Kill (-1) > Malibu Express (-1)

Chris Rankings:

Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > Hard Hunted (+1) > Enemy Gold (-1) > Do or Die (-2) > Picasso Trigger (-1) > Fit to Kill (-1) > Guns (-1) > Malibu Express (-1)

Zac Rankings:

Savage Beach > Enemy Gold > Malibu Express

Side Slop: Do Or Die

034B Side Slop: Do Or Die

Date Posted: 03/29/2019

This week Jon and Chris are ready to "Do" or to "Die"! In our case we "Did" a commentary track for the Andy Sidaris movie Do or Die starring the Legendary Skip Ward and a Man of normal renowned Pat Morita! In case you're not interested in our live reactions to Do or Die then skip ahead to 1 hr 37 minutes 15 seconds and hear our post-watch breakdown which approximates a normal discussion of an abnormal film.

Chris Rankings:

Savage Beach > (+1) Hard Ticket to Hawaii > Do or Die > (-1) Picasso Trigger > (-1) Guns > (-1) Malibu Express

Jon Rankings:

Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > Do Or Die > (-1) Guns> (-1) Picasso Trigger > (-1) Malibu Express

Side Slop: Picasso Trigger

029B Side Slop: Picasso Trigger

Date Posted: 02/15/2019

Jon and Chris are back to examine the watch-checking-fury that is Picasso Trigger... a late night sleaze fest that teases its viewers with educational nature trivia. Join us as we investigate the intrepid "Picasso Trigger" fish.

Chris Rankings: Savage Beach > Picasso Trigger > (-1) Hard Ticket to Hawaii > (-1) Malibu Express

Jon Rankings: Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > Picasso Trigger > (-1) Malibu Express

Side Slop: Hard Ticket to Hawaii

027B Side Slop: Hard Ticket to Hawaii

Date Posted: 01/04/2019

Jon and Chris are back to attack the animals-gone-mad action epic super spy spectacular that took 1987 by storm... that's right! A Hard Ticket to Hawaii has been bought and we're about to take that ride! Let's see how they've charted this short jaunt by light aircraft!

Chris Rankings: Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > (-1) Malibu Express

Jon Rankings: Savage Beach > Hard Ticket to Hawaii > (-1) Malibu Express

Side Slop: Malibu Express

022B Side Slop: Malibu Express

Date Posted: 11/23/2018

We're back in for a very special Inaugural 2nd episode of the Extended Hawaii-Verse. After having stepped in it with our episode Savage Beach we're now all in and ready to find out how you could possibly make a 12 movie series out of the following ingredients. 1) Girls 2) Guns and 3) G-Strings. Perhaps one day we will try out a version with 1) Bullets 2) Blondes and 3)Bombshells.... onward we go to bake ourselves a sleaze-soufflé!

Chris Rankings: (+1) Savage Beach > Malibu Express

Jon Rankings: (+1) Savage Beach > Malibu Express

Side Slop: Savage Beach

010B Side Slop: Savage Beach

Date Posted: 08/17/2018

On this weeks Side Slop... Do you like James Bond? Of course you do! Do you like "Skin Flicks"? Naturally! Do you also lack discernment? Absolutely, you listen to Cinema Slop! Join Jon and our intrepid guest Chris as they take a trip to Savage Beach. Don't let the name fool you its actually quite nice and not very threatening.